Do some serious SOL searching!










Welcome to the SOL (Spanish in Our Libraries) and PLUS (Public Libraries Using Spanish) websites.
PLUS is a searchable resource bank that includes Spanish-language versions of common library forms, flyers, and signs as well as the Dewey Decimal classification system; book summaries; guides to the language and to library Spanish; programming ideas; and a lot more... 
SOL was an electronic newsletter that in the early years of this century connected librarians who serve Spanish speakers. Each issue gathered links, questions, and wisdom contributed by friends around the world. The full run is archived here; use the search box or the buttons at left.
Want to know what's happening right now in libraries that do Spanish-language programming, events, and outreach? Click here to see!
Bruce Jensen ~ About the author
This site last edited 4 Sept 2016
Check out these Haitian - Dominican paintings by Judelka Florival
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