1. Bilingual storytimes:
How to keep them going strong?
From: Linda Stiles-Taylor <lindast@wccls.lib.or.us>
Subject: Query for SOL about bilingual preschool storytimes
Hi Bruce & SOListas-
Our public library 30 miles west of Portland, Oregon, has been doing
bilingual preschool storytimes monthly (3 sessions) since September.
We use a dual language approach for a variety of reasons.We partially
subsidize transportation for Headstart classes to attend these storytimes
which has contributed dramatically to their success. The format
includes stories, music, finger plays, dancing, poetry, crafts &
an occasional magic trick all linked to a single theme and presented
in alternating Spanish & English by one person (me).
Our problem is this: it is time consuming and labor
intensive to design the programs. We are rapidly running out of
books which are available in both English & Spanish, short enough
to read aloud in two languages to children from 3 to 6 years old,
and pertain to an interesting theme. We have Spanish language early
childhood theme bags available to us, but many of the books are
only available in Spanish. Also, I have just ordered Tim Wadham's
Programming with Latino Children's Materials (New York:
Neal-Schumann,1999), because I heard it was one good resource.
My question for SOListas are: Who else out there
has done bilingual preschool storytimes for more than six months?
Have you got any great resources to recommend for source materials?
Does anybody have any experience with resource sharing of specifically
bilingual programming kits or scripts or hot ideas about how to
do this well, if you are the only library in your system utilizing
this format?
I attended the REFORMA conference workshop on this
theme-which got me started-but what comes next ?
Linda Stiles Taylor
Forest Grove City Library
2114 Pacific Ave.
Forest Grove, OR 97116
(503) 992-3245
2. Searching for a bilingual library etiquette
From: Cortes, Sherrill <slcort@aurora.lib.il.us>
We are wondering if you have ever seen a short VCT on library etiquette,
available both in English and Spanish, of course, that might be
shown to students, loaned to the schools, or whatever way we could
get the message out. It might cover such topics as how to
behave (quietly, perhaps), how to treat the books, why the books
must be returned, etc.
Thanks for your input, in advance.
Sherrill Cortes, Aurora Public Library, Aurora, IL
3. All about historietas
If you're curious to know more about those appealing
Spanish-language comic books, you'll find some interesting background
at http://www.pbs.org/itvs/fotonovelas/genre.html
Here's a bit from that site: "The illustrated
novel, or foto-novela (also known as historieta),
has recently enjoyed a burst of mainstream popularity in the United
States...The foto-novela, and its counterpart, the historieta,
have had a long history and far-reaching impact..."
4. Those pesky labels
"Many Spanish-speaking immigrants define themselves
by their country of origin" instead of as 'Latino' or 'Hispanic,'
observes the article cited below: "There is no name widely
agreed upon by Hispanics or Latinos, either, experts said. In fact,
focus groups for the U.S. Census Bureau found the term Hispanic
which is considered to be an 'Americanized' version of a
name for people of Spanish descent is neither liked nor accepted
by new immigrants."
Dig into this complex and touchy issue with the
piece "Black vs. African American, Latino vs. Hispanic: What's
In a Name?" at LINK
5. Still more on the Census
We've discussed the undercount at great length already.
You might also want to be aware of other complexities that affect
the picture of your community painted by last year's Census:
"Latino replies complicate census' 1st multiracial
tally" LINK
"No Longer Black, White, Brown: Census Paints
Race in New Shades" LINK