1. Críticas
wants to send you a free issue
Roy Futterman of the new review journal Críticas:
An English Speaker's Guide to the Latest Spanish-Language Titles
called to say that if you haven't seen the mag yet he'll put one
in the mail to you, gratis. E-mail him at r.futterman@cahners.com or give him
a call at 212-463-6825, and visit the website at http://www.libraryjournal.com/criticas.asp
2. Online government and labor information
in Spanish
From: Anne Fullerton afullerton@afscme.org
You might want to add a link to HiCitizen en Español.
They theoretically are a directory of all US government information
in Spanish (IMHO, it's incomplete but it's the only thing I've found
so far that does this). The address is http://www.hicitizen.com/content/NavigationalServlet?page=2&NodeId=1150
I have developed a collection of Spanish language labor-related
links at http://www.afscme.org/spanish/enlaces.htm
I'm adding your Bibliotecario to that list. Thanks for your work
in this area.
Anne Fullerton
AFSCME Information Center
[Thanks to Anne, HiCitizen is now on 'Tu Bibliotecario
Electrónico'. Mil gracias also to the good folks at the Librarian's
Index to the Internet for adding TBE this week.]
3. Chomsky and Z Magazine
in Spanish online
Manuel Bello <jbello@uvmnet.edu> points us toward the
Biblioteca Virtual Noam Chomsky, with more than 50 translations
of Chomsky's articles available, full text: http://www.galeon.com/bvchomsky/.
Also of interest to folks wary of dominant paradigms is the large
and growing Spanish-language version of Z-net http://www.zmag.org/Spanish/index.htm
4. And if it's self-help you want...
Ida Jiménez <ida@elexito.com> wants you to know that www.elexito.com will be happy to sell you books
and other materials dealing with personal development, finance,
family relations, and other popular topics. Looking for Stephen
Covey en español? They've got it.
Audio books are always in demand among busy self-actualizers,
so www.spanishaudios.com deals exclusively
in Spanish-language books on tape along those same lines. Visit
the sites or call Ida at (954)-753-7474 or (305)-590-9000 to find
out more.
5. Travel with Yahoo
Yahoo's Spanish-language portal http://espanol.yahoo.com/ this week adds
a travel section ('Viajes') that helps trotamundos book flights,
lodging, a car rentals.
6. Brag about your catalog!
Do the cataloging practices in your public library
accommodate monolingual readers of Spanish by including 'extra'
access points in their language? Do your Spanish-language and bilingual
materials have records with subject headings, notes, or contents
fields that use Spanish? Let me know, and I'll try to make you famous
so that more libraries can imitate you...