1. What are the best Spanish-English dictionaries
for gradeschoolers?
From: Vona Van Cleef vonagee@yahoo.com
Question: I need to hear about good Spanish/English dictionaries
(Spanish to English and English to Spanish in one volume) for students
in grades 3-5. What are your favorites? Thanks for the help.
Vona Van Cleef, librarian, Alta Vista Elementary, El Paso, TX
If you believe everything you read, better not read.
--Japanese Proverb
2. Materials & resources for deaf Hispanics
Marie Kaneko ai117@lafn.org
In a previous position, I worked with the hearing impaired
at the former MCLS Deaf Resource Center in Santa Fe Springs,
(since moved). I have three items here in our collection
the Battle Creek folks may want to borrow or purchase?
Christensen, Kathee
Educación Trilingüe
San Diego State Univ., 1985
Lawrence, Edgar D.
Lenguaje por señas simplificado
Gospel Publishing House, 1992
Come sign with me
Hafer, Jan C.
Marti Paul may also want to contact the Texas
and the New Mexico State Schools for the Deaf. If
I recall correctly, they have published textbooks for parents.
Also please try the Gallaudet University Bookstore
in Washington, DC.
Good Luck!
Marie Kaneko
Commerce P.L.
Commerce, CA |
Teresa Pacheco tpacheco@mail.hall.public.lib.ga.us
Was going to send this just to Marti, but these websites
may be helpful to others.
A deaf coworker recommended the following site:
- which is where I found signfiesta:
- videos in signed Spanish.
Teresa Pacheco
Computer Services Asst.
Hall County Library
127 Main St., NW
Gainesville, GA 30501
number of Latino deaf organizations (including Deaf Aztlán;
no, that's not a rock band) can be found at
3. Feria Internacional del Libro: Solid advice for y'all
From: Teresa Pacheco tpacheco@mail.hall.public.lib.ga.us
Hi Bruce - some neat sites that you posted!
About FIL - I was lucky to go last year and it is wonderful!! This
is going to sound crazy, but the best thing I did was to visit a
couple of local bookstores close by. I purchased books and videos
from the bookstores, and asked them to take the books over to the
Federal Express office so I could ship them back here immediately.
By the time I got back to Georgia, the books were here! I think
the shopping center is the Plaza de las Americas, and there are
2 bookstores - Librerias Gonville. Helpful staff, good prices.
One caveat - I was only able to use my credit card
at one of the locations, because although it is a Hall County Credit
Card and I had proper paperwork, the card had my director's signature
instead of my own, so I spent a good deal of time selecting materials
only to find upon checking out that I could not use my credit card.
So...if you have a personal credit card that you are allowed to
use and then be reimbursed by your library system, that will work
fine, or if you are lucky enough to have a library charge card with
your name on it, the same will work.
At the fair - Libros sin fronteras are very good with personal assistance.
They will assign someone to walk around with you and select materials.
Some favorite vendors whose booths you should check out - Planeta,
Diana, Lectorum.
Hope this helps.
Teresa Pacheco
Computer Services Asst.
Hall County Library
127 Main St., NW
Gainesville, GA 30501
4. Top six Internet portals in Latin America
The September issue of the magazine Punto.com lists the
results of a survey of 291 Webheads from eight Latin American countries.
Their portal of choice was Spain's Terra at www.terra.com , followed in order by Universo
Online (Brazilian company, with a Portuguese-language
portal at www.uol.com.br/ as well as others tailored
to different nations, for e.g. Argentina at www.uol.com.ar/ and Mexico at www.uol.com.mx/ ; most major Latin American
portals employ a similar multinational approach), Starmedia at www.starmedia.com,
El Sitio
at www.elsitio.com/elsitio/global/home_gl.html
, Yupi at www.yupi.com , and Patagon at www.patagon.com
5. Top ten bestselling books among U.S. Hispanics
And from that most popular portal comes this list (http://www.terra.com/arte/articulo/html/art2198.htm)
of top-selling books, compiled by a large online bookseller:
Estos son los libros que más están leyendo los hispanos
en Estados Unidos, según la lista de Espiral.com:
Raúl Salinas y yo por María Bernal
Harry Potter y el prisionero de Azkabán por J. K. Rowling
El proyecto genoma humano por Thomas F. Lee
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire por J.K. Rowling
La fiesta del Chivo por Mario Vargas Llosa
El día que los pájaros cayeron del cielo por Federico Krafft
Ortografía de la lengua española por la Real Academia Española
Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal por J. K. Rowling
Rabos de lagartija por Juan Marsé
A Los Pinos por Vicente Fox
6. Where d'ya get kids' music in Spanish? Meet storyteller
Roxy Ekstrom
From: Roxy Ekstrom rekstrom@stdl.org
Hola Solistas,
First, a brief introduction. I've been lurking for months,
picking up all sorts of good info from all of you. I'm a Youth
Services Librarian at Schaumburg Township District Library in Schaumburg,
Il. We have a growing Hispanic population, mostly Mexican,
with a sprinkling of South American and Puerto Rican. As the
YS collection development librarian, I've attended FIL for the past
2 years and am planning on this year, too. (Oh the things
we do for our jobs!) My Spanish is limited - 8 am classes
at a commuter college 30 years ago does not make one fluent - but
I'm trying. We're doing more outreach this year, I'm planning
a Spanish language storytime - I'll just read the stories to the
group. So far I've chosen El Sapo que no quería comer
by Martha Sastrias, La Señora Regañona
by Susana Sanroman, and poems from Chuchurumbe by
Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy. I found all 3 of these
at FIL last year. Maybe I'll do Salta, Ranita, Salta just
for the audience participation, too. Does anyone have any
favorites they'd like to suggest?
Now, my needs -- we've had requests for tapes & CD's of popular
children's songs in Spanish. We have a few, but need more.
Does anyone have a good source for these?
Thanks in advance.
Roxy Ekstrom
Youth Services Collection Development Librarian
Schaumburg Township District Library
Schaumburg, IL
7. Some serious SOL searching is in order
Here in SOL City we're all excited about the shiny new search tool
on our home page. One quick click will scour each and every
SOL issue, and the Public Libraries Using Spanish site to boot,
for any search terms you please. Give it a try at the URL
And we're still searching for a correct answer to the José Feliciano
quiz [SOL 32]. If it's hints you want, well--
Don't be discouraged
The quiz, it ain't so hard to understand..."
If you cop to that one, you won't have far to go. Good luck.