1. Harry Potter's fun Spanish-language
From: Ana Hartnett ahartnett@ci.sat.tx.us
Greetings, Bruce
Thank you for all the helpful information you share with us on SOL!!
I look forward to each of your messages. I wasn't sure if
you had already mentioned this site but it is very noteworthy especially
for any children's librarians (public and school) who serve Spanish
What's also fun is that once you enter the site,
when you move your cursor on the screen stars appear and there is
a trail of stars anytime you move your cursor around!!
The main site I retrieved this from is http://www.infolibro.net
which originates in Argentina. The Harry Potter site's URL is http://www.infolibro.net/harrypotter
[Note: As of Jan. 2003, that link's dried up...gaze at
or, if you're into the movie, http://harrypotter.es.warnerbros.com/ instead]
Hope this is helpful and useful to your subscribers
Ana Hartnett
San Antonio Public Library
600 Soledad
San Antonio,TX 78205
2. Eleventh Cross-Border Library Forum seeks
From: Cecilia Avilés cecilia@cetys.mx
Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, A.C.
(CIAD) y la Universidad de Sonora, instituciones organizadoras
del XI Foro Transfronterizo de Bibliotecas que se celebrará
en Hermosillo, Sonora, del 15 al 17 de marzo del 2001, tienen
el agrado de invitarlo a usted a que participe en su programa. |
Research Center for Food and Development (CIAD) and the
University of Sonora, organizers of the XI Transborder Library
Forum to be held in Hermosillo, Sonora on March 15-17, 2001,
invite your participation in the program. |
temas a desarrollarse son: |
topics include: |
profesional |
training |
de autor |
*Copyright |
fronterizos |
affairs |
interbibliotecario |
loan |
de profesionales |
of librarians |
*Cooperación |
and international cooperation |
de formación de usuarios |
and bibliographic instruction |
La fecha límite para enviar ponencias es Noviembre 30, 2000. |
The deadline for submitting presentation proposals is November
30, 2000. |
Submit proposals to foro_xi@cascabel.ciad.mx
and visit the FORO XI website Here
3. Spanish translation of Dewey Decimal
Classification system posted on PLUS
As stubborn as ol' Melvil himself, Flaco didn't
let a busted arm stop him from getting a Spanish version of the
1,000 DDC sections up on the Web at http://skipper.gseis.ucla.edu/students/bjensen/html/plus/ddc/00.htm
so have a look, and tell us if you find any typos.
4. Martin Gomez featured by Latinolink news
His original ambition was to 'run a bookmobile through
the Southwest,' and now here he is, executive director of the Brooklyn
Public Library. Read about Martin Gomez at