1. Help! Anybody know how to generate accented
characters in these platforms?
From: Sherrill Cortes, slcort@aurora.lib.il.uc
I am enjoying exploring your PLUS & SOL sites.
I would like to know how to use the accents table you made up [http://skipper.gseis.ucla.edu/students/bjensen/html/plus/language/accents.htm]
in Hotmail or AOL. It doesn't work in either of
those nor in our Outlook mail. My niece writes me from Mexico
all in capitals, leaving out the accents, but I prefer not to do
that and it would be great practice for my Spanish writing skills.
Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Sherrill Cortes, Bookmobile Clerk/Driver, Aurora Public Library,
Aurora, IL
2. Marketing the USPS in Spanish
It won't make those new 34-cent stamps any easier
to lick next week, but the Postal Service's promotion strategy for
its new Spanish-language website might have some valuable lessons
for your library: http://www.diversityinc.com/insidearticlepg.cfm?SubMenuID=170&ArticleID=2241&fromemail=yes
The USPS site was mentioned in SOL
3. And speaking of "correo"...
...which is "mail" to you & me, Felipe
Meneses of Mexico City publishes Correo Bibliopolítico,
an informative, provocative electronic newsletter for librarians.
Recent issues have included news about books and databases in the
Americas, as well as Vicente Fox's appointment of a new director
of Mexico's national public library system. If you read Spanish,
contact Felipe to receive the CB: felipe@math.unam.mx
4. Here's a newsletter looking for a snappy
From: Susie Byrd, cinco@cincopuntos.com
Several people have mentioned to me that they would like regular
notices of Cinco Puntos Press publications and happenings so I am
instituting the Cinco Puntos Press email newsletter. It probably
needs a snappy name, but I can't think of one right now. If you
are interested in the newsletter, I will email you 4 or 5 times
a year to let you know about new books and all the CPP news. To
sign up, just write to me at the address above. Also, if you would
like to receive our yearly catalog through snail mail, please indicate
that by including your address in your reply.
We have a bunch of great books out this year. You can check them
out at http://www.cincopuntos.com/.
We plan to have ecommerce up and running on our site within the
next couple of months. In the meantime, look for our books at your
local bookstores or get in touch with Eddie to order (mailto:bizman@cincopuntos.com
or 800-566-9072).
Susie Byrd
Director of Marketing and Publicity
5. How the library feels to a foreigner
Your friend Flaco just returned from an emergency
trip to distant shores where this here alphabet is alien and where
books open left-to-right instead of right-to-left. The place is
also home to some delightful libraries (pardon the tautology) and
my visits to those put me in the shoes of the sometimes-confused
patron not well versed in the local language. Why, you might well
be asking, did I feel right at home in some of those libraries,
but uncomfortable in others?
--Signage: Remarkable how one or two placards in my native tongue
carried the immediate message that a library was ready and waiting
for people like me. Particularly comforting were signs written in
non-fractured English, and those bearing genuinely useful orientation
--Brochures: Ditto for in-house flyers and other printed matter
that served to show me around. Funny that my tolerance for bloopers
and typographical errors (probably due to their presence in, for
example, this very issue of SOL) was higher here than in the item
above, and that being handed a halfway-decently written brochure
was usually preferable to enduring an earnest staffer's uncomfortably
terrible spoken version of my mother tongue.
--Collections: You know what was really great to see, especially
during the last couple weeks while the election was being decided?
Any recent English-language newspaper or newsmagazine. I was avidly
chewing on ones that normally I wouldn't even look at.
--Sisterhood: It's powerful. One library I stumbled into was in
a municipality boasting a sister-city connection with a town in
my natal state. I got a nice feeling from a hanging tapestry showing
a historical scene. Nothing more than a square of woven kitsch,
but hey, it was like coming home to the warm glow of the fireplace.
Better still was a small but well-chosen collection of gift books
from the stateside library. The 'sister library' or 'twinning '
relationship http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla66/papers/163-168e.htm
/ http://www.ala.org/sisterlibraries/Default.htm
is one of those beautiful ideas that more libraries
really ought to get hip to.
6. A journal worth knowing about
[Thanks to the work of Francisco García Ayvens,
one of this planet's truly great librarians, back issues of the
journal mentioned below are available online and indexed at http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/csrc/library/aztoc.html]
From: Elias Wondimu, elias@csrc.ucla.edu
Our web page sells publications of the UCLA Chicano
Studies Research Center and features an index to thirty years of
our Chicano studies journal, which may be of interest to your clients.
Our web page is at http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/esp/csrc/
Aztlán: A Journal of Chicano Studies is
an interdisciplinary, refereed journal dedicated to scholarly research
relevant to or informed by the Chicano experience. First published
in 1970 and still the premier journal of Chicano studies, Aztlán
is issued twice a year and edited by Chon A. Noriega of the University
of California at Los Angeles. Aztlán welcomes submissions
in the humanities, social sciences, and arts.
Aztlán was partly responsible for the founding
and flowering of Chicano Studies in the 1970s. Through the struggle
of the activists who birthed it, the careers of many young academics
who could not find mainstream publishers were launched. Quite a
few of those who first published in Aztlán have gone on
to be renowned academics and many of Aztlán's early articles
are consistently anthologized. For over thirty years Aztlán
has remained at the forefront of the field.
7. Cuban book fair
This conference announcement distributed by ConferenceAlerts.com
E-mail enquiries: cemck@presby.edu
10th International Book Fair of Havana, Cuba
January 30 to February 10, 2001
The book fair will be held at the San Carlos de
la Cabana fortress in Havana. The sponsoring institutions
have developed a program of educational activities related to book
publishing in Cuba, to be held January 30 through February 1 prior
to the book fair itself which will take place February 2 through
February 10. The educational program is specifically designed
for international participants in the fair. This call for participation
is being issued to publishers, distributors, vendors, printers,
literary agents and professional associations connected with the
publishing world (university and commercial) as well as authors,
representatives of the press, and other professionals.
The price for individual participants ranges from $1118 to $2479
(U.S. dollars), depending on the type of accommodations the participant
selects. The price includes 13 nights and 14 days with breakfast
in the hotel selected; two lunches in Old Havana; registration,
program fees and entrance fees for all the activities; all ground
transportation in Cuba; and the services of guides, translators,
and teachers in the educational program. The fee does not
include air travel to and from Havana, dinners, or lunches not mentioned.
Organized by: The Cuban Institute of Books and the Center for Development
Studies of South Carolina